Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Positive Living Workshop

Yesterday at our FC Moms Meeting we were joined by Nita Leff and Carol Kwait of Partners to Empowerment.  

Below are some of the handouts they shared with us.  Sorry they're in plain text but enjoy anyway.

Feel free to join us at our next meeting.  Click here for Friendship Circle Moms' Meetings dates.

Partners To empowerment; Workshops for Women

Become More of an Optimist

Positive thinkers, or Optimists, enjoy many health and lifestyle benefits
and tend to be happier overall. Optimism is measured by how you define
If you can learn to define positive events as being:
• Because of something you did,
• A sign of more good things to come and,
• Evidence that good things will happen in other areas of your life,
you’re halfway there.

If you can also think of negative events as:
• not your fault, and
• isolated occurrences with no bearing on future events or other areas of
your life,
you’re the rest of the way there!

1. The key to optimism is to maximize your successes and minimize your

2. It’s beneficial to look honestly at your shortcomings so you can work on
them, but keep a focus on your strengths.

3. Keep in mind that the more you practice challenging your thought
patterns, the more automatic it'll become. Don't expect major
changes in thinking right away, but do expect them to become
ingrained over time.

4. Always remember that virtually any failure can be a learning
experience, and an important step toward your next success!

5. Practice positive affirmative questions. They really work!

6. Be patient and stick with it. It is a lifestyle change.

Partners To Empowerment; Positive Strategies for a Life Well Lived

Partners To Empowerment; Workshops for Women

Our thoughts govern our speech and actions. When we
fill our mind with positive thoughts it reflects in our speech
and actions.

List Of Positive Affirmations

I am successful in whatever I do

I plan my work and work my plan

I focus on what is truly essential

I will make the most of new opportunities

The universe provides for my every want and need

I speak with confidence and calm assurance

I make positive healthy choices

I feel energetic and full of life

I fill my mind with positive thoughts

I am loveable

I am in control of my reactions

I will find a solution to every problem

I see endless opportunities before me

I persevere with optimism and enthusiasm

I can accomplish anything I set my mind to

I am worthy of love and friendship

I accept myself completely

I am able to take risks and try new things without fear

I find deep inner peace within myself as I am

Partners To Empowerment: Positive Strategies for a Life Well Lived

Partners To Empowerment; Workshops for Women

I am a kind, caring, decent person

I forgive myself for all I have done

I am deserving of all the good things in my life

I say positive things about myself to myself

All false images of myself from the past are now dissolved

I am an interesting person

Every day I am getting better and better

I have positive self esteem

My self esteem comes from inside me

I love and approve of myself

I value and honor myself

I strive to improve myself

I enjoy being positive and having positive thoughts and feelings

I am beautiful

I acknowledge I am doing the best job I can.

I am a good mother.

I am a loving mother.